Hudson Valley Art Association
Elected Member List
Acosta, Ralph
Adamitis, Tina
Adkins, James
Adkins, Thomas
Aja, Douglas
Allen, Diane
Atwater-Millikin, Dora
Ayisworth, Lynn C.
Bach, Del-Bourree
Baldino, Patt
Baragwanath, Janice
Bechtel, Brenda
Beckner, Joy
Belardo, John
Betts, Judi
Bradley, Paige
Brockman, Kate
Bruckmann, Frank
Burton, Maryann
Caggiano, John
Camhy, Sherry
Carpenter, Steven
Caporale, Wende
Casey, Todd M.
Cerbo, Rosanne
Charron, T.A.
Chisholm, Susie
Clarke, Alanzo
Coe, James
Cogswell, LeaAnn
Costello, Mary Jay
Couch, Tony
Crane, Raymond
Daly, James
Daskam, Rick
de Mos, Mark
Dodge, William
Eder, Eileen
Engel, Andrew
Fuka, Ted
Gant, Tanja
Gillette, Doug
Goff, Barbara
Grace, Eleanora
Graves, Michael
Gregoretti, Rob
Grieco, Joseph
Hamilton, Ken
Hendershot, Bradley
House, Cindy
Holmes, Jennifer
Hutt, Lee
Israel, Karen
Ivers, Christine
Josloff, Marc
Kaman, Tricia
Keropian, Michael
Koffman, Joshua
Krawczyk, Joe
Krieg, Katharine
Latanision, Carolyn
Lattimore, Andrew
Laumeister, Brett
Leber, Deborah
Leer, Rebecca
Legassie, Norman
Levee, Gayle
Likes, Philip II
Lorenze, Dorothy
Lorieo, Jacqueline
MacQueen, Elizabeth
Mattson, Janis
Mallory, Larry
Masi, Antonio
Masi, Elizabeth
Maxion, Glen
Nakamori, Keiko
Nancie King Mertz
Miller, Terry
Mone', Nicole
Nakamori, Keiko
Nebbeling, Patricia
Newmann, Jeffery
Nicholas, T. M.
Nielsen, Olga
O'Connor, Sandra
O'Reilly, Susan
Perry, Judy
Potter, Jeanne Carol
Quincy, Lee
Ranucci, Michael
Reed, Elaine
Richmond, Rebekah
Scheuring, Steve
Seltzer, Peter
Shane, Shauna
Sheehy-Walker, Marie
Sinacola, Linda
Smith, Jerry
Smythe, Natalie
Stajcar, Pati
Steedman, Robert
Stone, Caleb
Story, Susan
Taylor, Don
Tillman, Matina Marki
Tintle, Debbie
Toby, Joshua
Torak, Elizabeth
Torak, Thomas
Traynor, John
Weintraub, Susan
Wesner, Linda
Williams, Barbara
Wilkinson, Tony
Wise, Nathan
Wright, Lea Colie
Zeller, Joyce
Zuries, Susan
Once an Artist is accepted as an HVAA member, they are expected to maintain their dues payment annually. If they miss paying their annual dues for a year, they are expected to pay the delinquent years. Failure to do this will result in being dropped as a listed member. The member will need to re-apply for membership if you miss a year.